A multi-faceted
software platform for corporate governance,
loan management and transaction monitoring.

The Orbulis platform, by GRADA, is a full and complete corporate governance solution that enables automated onboarding of clients, continual monitoring of onboarded profiles, risk monitoring and bespoke reporting.

It also offers a best of breed loan management solution and transaction monitoring for the banking sector.

Simplify your compliance and risk monitoring

Deliver great service experiences fast and with lower costs using the Orbulis platform. Orbulis accelerates onboarding, eliminates manual errors, and simplifies ongoing client monitoring.

  • Continuous assessment and validation
  • Defined workflows
  • Customized requirements and risk metrics

Transform your onboarding process

Optimize the onboarding process for your new clients and any related parties. Get validation of identity and corporate documentation through our reliable assessment processes.

  • Dynamic reports and dashboards
  • Customized onboarding requirements
  • Automated risk ratings
  • Real-time PEP and sanctions checks
  • Adverse media monitoring

Trusted Worldwide

Trusted by global financial companies to optimize KYC and risk analytics

Our onboarding and continual monitoring processes are unmatched in the compliance industry. Let us ensure your client based is monitored accurately for completion, accuracy and correct risk profiling.

99.99% uptime

A SaaS platform designed for significant reliability with no downtime

Full Onboarding

Trusted to automate the onboarding process of individuals and entities

180+ countries

Identity and company verification for almost every country in the world

5+ Million

Analytical and monitoring assessments per day

The Orbulis platform is the only compliance and risk platform designed to satisfy the requirements of global regulators while providing significant cost savings for our client support team.

Designed for teams like yours

Created to address the ever-increasing complexities of compliance for regulated entities anti-money laundering (AML), combating of the financing of terrorism (CFT) and risk monitoring; the Orbulis platform provides an easy, user friendly and cost effective solution for the financial service provider dealing with compliance and regulatory initiatives.


Let us automate the collection and validation of KYC documents.

  • Document collection and verification
  • Sanctions, PEP and adverse media checks
  • Expired document monitoring
  • Customizable KYC templates
  • White labelled onboarding process


Real-time risk monitoring and automated assessments.

  • Customizable risk templates
  • Automated assessments
  • Verified underlying data
  • Risk level change history
  • Complex reporting


Simplified onboarding workflow to reduce the burden on clients.

  • White labelled, secure portal
  • Verified data
  • Customizable wizard style process
  • Compliance status indicators
  • Multiple profile control

Loan Management

Unify all asset and borrower data into one system for control over assets.

  • Full loan calculations
  • Precise decisions based on accurate data
  • Minimize manual tasks
  • Faster loan approval
  • Lower lending costs

Transaction Monitoring

Detect a wide range of suspicious transaction activity in real-time, while minimizing false positives.

  • Historical pattern analysis
  • Real-time assessments
  • Data driven profiling
  • Defineable transaction rules
  • Documented decision history


Providing complete support for your organization.

  • MLRO/DMLRO Appointments
  • Serving as AMLCO
  • Regulatory manual creation
  • Compliance support
  • Regulatory assistance
  • Bespoke training

Contact Us

Suite 647, 10 Market Street, Camana Bay, Cayman Islands, KY1-9006
Tel: 1 (345) 233-8676
Email: enquiries@grada.io